
Yet another foot of snow. Yet another powder day.

One can appreciate how good the season has been at Jay by noticing how few skiers show up for a one-foot powder day. The lifts were ski on all day.

Untracked turns were abundant and easily found open-to-close without having to hunt. I hit some lines that rarely fill in completely. Lines that I haven’t skied in years.

Given the short lines and lack of urgency, I even rode the tram for the first time since 2017. The Face Chutes skied very well. But they were just an appetizer. I followed exceptional untracked drifts through the trees and into St. George’s.

It was so good, I decided to ride the tram again. However, the wind started picking up around 1:30pm, which closed down both the Tram and then the Freezer.

By then, even though there was infinite untracked remaining, I had had my fill. How much untracked powder can one skier possibly enjoy?

My cup is overflowing. I am so grateful for the bounty.

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