Atkinson Calls Out the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy

Author and Sugarbush local John Atkinson weighs in on the Big Jay incident and the need for organization and legal tree line creation and maintenance in the October edition Vermont Sports Online. Atkinson specifically addresses the current unspoken code of “don’t ask, don’t tell” that specificies not using chain saws or other intrusive cutting methods and relying on discovery or being shown secret tree shots. Atkinson suggests that this current unspoken code is tacit approval of illegal operations and draws a direct relationship between such tacit approval and the Big Jay cut.

It is highly unlikely that the backcountry and slackcountry tree skiing and riding population will stop skiing illegally maintained lines to make a point of solidarity for organized and legal efforts and in objection to the Big Jay cut which most have vehemently denounced. The article suggests opting for legal and legitimate tree line maintenance options until the community can organize and follow in the paths of other recreational pursuits such as mountain biking and snowmobiling which work closely with both state and national forest services.

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