Internet forums have been buzzing with chatter regarding the recent closure of Big Jay and the need for organization within the eastern backcountry community. The Big Jay cut and subsequent closure has been a catalyst for discussion on an issue that most skiers and riders would have dismissed out of hand previously. Organization could lead to public knowledge of hidden stashes and a reduction of cutting illegal lines. But it could also pave the way for legitimizing eastern backcountry/sidecountry tree skiing and allow for legal maintenance of official trees and perhaps some new lines to be cut legally.
Here are links to online forums that have sprouted discussion of the Big Jay issue along with discussion about the legality of tree lines and backcountry organization in general. Interestingly enough, almost without exception the entire skiing community (both backcountry and lift serviced) have come out strongly against the illegal cut (even those backcountry skiers that partake in skiing glades thinned out illegally). Green Mountain Club and the State of Vermont should take note that extremely few skiers and riders think this scar is a good thing. The threads from Time For Tuckerman and Telemark Talk entitled “BC Access…. Is this the time to organize in the Northeast?” are especially insightful. Forums
- Can you “own” a line cut at the area?
- backcountry users beware!!
- Big Jay access closed from Jay Peak
- From KZone: Guerilla Trailblazers Arrested
- Benefit Film Showing of “PW07” in Boston
First Tracks!! Online Ski Magazine
NELSAP Discussion on Snow Journal
- State Restricts Access to Big Jay
- More Jay Illegal Cut News
- Jay Cut Update 10/10/07
- Pictures – Big Jay Illegal Cut
- Trailblazers Arrested at Jay
- Big Jay Access Closed from Jay Peak
- Enforcing Big Jay Closure
- winter impact… Re: Enforcing Big Jay Closure
- Re: Jailhouse Chute?
- Jail time for Jay cutters?
- illegal trail at Jay Peak
- BJ Massacre
- One honkin’ big pruning job
Telemark Talk
- Big Jay Closed from Jay Peak
- BC Access…. Is this the time to organize in the Northeast?
- 2 arrested cutting backcountry ski run
- PW07 Boston Raises $1500 for Big Jay Project!
- Big Jay update
Teton Gravity Research
Time for Tuckerman