Magic Mountain, VT
A late start this morning resulted in first turns being delayed until 10:30 A.M. One of my ski buddies volunteers on the Magic Mountain Ski Patrol. The Patrol needed an assist with camera operations during their rescue clinic, so my buddy arranged for me to receive a comp in exchange for camera duties. Most folks are unaware that these volunteers put in many hours of training every year for what they hope will never happen. Be sure to thank your patrolers for their hard work and dedication.
The morning was cold and the snow fairly unforgiving. Warm up runs were taken on Talisman and Trick. Both were groomed and getting skied off quick down the center. Next run I took Twilight Zone which had sensational snow and bumps except at the end of the trail which was thin and rocky. While Magic’s base is respectable, the mountain needs more snow.
Sorcerer was the Run of the Day, but I only had time to ski it once, unfortunately. Soft and edgable packed powder bumps exposed to the sun. Very nice! I later assisted in sweep by taking Broomstick which was a little thin and not much fun to Lucifer. The latter featured scraped bumps in the center and occasional untouched crunchy powder on skier’s far right. Red Line and Master Magician were both open but very thinly covered and looking rather firm and unpleasant.
Only took seven runs today due to assisting with patrol but they were quality runs all things considered.