Middle Hard the Hard Way Campaign
Once upon a time, the only way to exit Middle Hardscrabble was a short uphill climb. Half a dozen years ago, the powers that be at Cannon decided to tame the final insult to Cannon’s most rough and tumble trail.
A pussy path was cut, MH Cut Thru was added as a trail (all 100 feet of it), and Middle Hard got a little easier. I was disappointed to see the classic trail’s final pitch blown open. But I’ll shamefully admit, I always use the cut thru.
No more!
I’m bringing the uphill back to Middle Hard. This is the kick off to the Middle Hard the Hard Way Campaign. In the spirit of the way this classic trail was cut, I invite all skiers and riders (if you have it in you) to climb out of Middle Hard the Hard Way up to Lower Hard. You’ll then have the option to ski the excellent first (and only) pitch of Red Ball. Let’s bring it back.
Who’s with me?