We should not imagine Sisyphus happy on his never ending journey up and down his ladder. Meaning is only an illusion. But yet, it is a critical part of our never ending ascent. Whether we actually believe that it is relevant or not relevant, meaning still seems to be of benefit to us (even if it is hollow).
Unknowing embrace of illusion is most peoples’ natural state. Knowingly embracing disillusions is the challenge of my adult life. Is it necessary that we fake ourselves into false beliefs? Belief itself is not important but rather it is the act of believing itself that seems to matter. Perhaps joyful irony can carry us forward?
Meaning is irrelevant. Instead of searching for it, what we need is to find a steady rung. Pause. Take it all in and be satisfied for a brief and calming moment. Allow the bewilderment to carry us up another rung; centering ourselves in momentary clarity amid the chaos.
Stepping up the ladder is necessary but vapid. Embracing this moment is joy. Content acceptance of the absurd should be rightly and mightily railed against. I shall never be satisfied pushing my rock up the mountain. But there is so much happiness to be found within that dissatisfaction.