Setback (Part 1)

Just as the season has setbacks, so does my recovery. I knew it was going to happen. The seasonal setback happened going into this weekend. My personal setback would happen during the following weeks. Grinding out 12 work days in a row, half of them 13+ hour days, left me totally depleted. My routines were shot, my progress stalled. I accepted that it was going to happen and mentally prepared myself in advanced. Get through it and then get back on track.

My personal setback has been far less jarring than the seasonal set back. January suffered from winter’s multiple personality disorder in the worst possible way. Small snow accumulations, wash outs, rain/freeze events, cold blasts, a record breaking warm day. Some small snows but no big storms. We’ve had far worse January’s but it is still significantly worse than average. It is amazing we have as much open terrain as we have given the weather pattern.

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