Today was a sensational afternoon of turn earning at Jay Peak. Days such as today remind me that it often is all about “the tour, not the turns.” While the skiing was less than stellar, it was well worth the effort for the turns. But it was the other aspects of the tour that made the afternoon truly memorable. Having an overcast morning turn nearly bluebird, pushing past early season pains thereby miraculously inducing mid-season stamina, the crisp and cool air with just a hint of head wind, believing I had the summit all to myself only to be surprised to share the experience with a furry four legged creature. It was uplifting for both the emotions and the spirit.
When I arrived, snow guns were blasting up and down The Jet and Haynes. ample base had already been laid down around the Jet Triple Chair and Jay Peak looked nearly in opening day condition. A snow machine worked over the snow on lower Jet. I skinned directly from my car to Derrick Hot Shot which sported a few inches of natural covered by blown over man made from Haynes. Lots of tracks covered Derrick as it seemed to be a popular route of both ascent and descent. Base depths improved to well over half a foot by the mid-point and one foot deep near the top due to blow over. The whales on both Haynes and The Jet were substantial and should make for great wall to wall coverage for opening date which has been pushed up to next weekend!
After dropping down Montrealer, I skinned up Vermonter as the clouds blue over to nearly blue bird conditions. Views from the summit were spectacular. I chowed down as an envious four legged furry creature coveted my meal. The only thing we would share; however, was an amazing view from the summit. A glorious afternoon for a summit.
I clicked in and began my descent. Conditions on Vermonter were a mixed bag with about six inches of natural snow. Dozens of other skiers and riders had already made tracks and packed the snow, so conditions were generally packed powder with lots of geological treats to avoid. A quick hike back up Vermonter brought me back to The Jet. Originally, I had planned to descend Derrick Hot Shot, but the man made on Haynes felt good. I should have stuck to original plans. I experienced about a dozen great turns before snow conditions turned somewhat icy due to rising temperatures during the afternoon which were now falling. I escaped to Derrick for some wonderful turns then got back on Haynes for a nasty and icy run out. A sensational day despite less than epic turns, although turns on Vermonter were adventurous fun.