Backcountry skiers have rallied behind restoration efforts for Big Jay. A Green Mountain Club Press Release specifies that the Backcountry population has voiced their disdain concerning the illegal cut on Big Jay. The community has incorporated educational and fund raising efforts into four events including three ski movie premiers. Backcountry ski volunteers assisted with a restoration project held on October 14th to install waterbars and other errosion prevention measures on the cut under the guidance of supervising ecologist Jeff Parsons.
The Green Mountain Club has formed a sub-committee of the GMC Stewardship Committee to address and advise on the issue. This latest Press Release from the Green Mountain Club suggests that the cut was done using chainsaws and the width of the cut ranges from 20 to 60 feet throughout the entire length. The Green Mountain Club is calling the cut the “worst easement violation in the history of GMC’s Land Protection Program.”
Green Mountain Club Press Release: Trees Illegally Cut on Public Land at Big Jay