Survival Skiing on Man Made at Jay

One route at Sunday River for $39, three routes at Killington for $49, or two routes earned for free at Jay. Gee wiz, I think I will see what is behind door number three, please!

Unfortunately, not much. This is a tough weekend for the desperate unless you want to buy over priced lift tickets for extremely limited products at Sunday River or Killington.

The price at Sunday River increased by over 50% without any increase in product. Needless to say, the law of supply and demand is in full effect. And who can blame them for doing so? When lift lines are backing up into double digit wait times and beyond, they obviously have enough demand to justify increasing the prices to increase profitability and put out a better product.

As for Killington, suffice to say I would not pay $50 for half of their trails open let alone two runs off the North Ridge Triple and Bunny Buster. Bretton Woods also opened one bunny trail for a $10 donation to charity. The options were not looking very promising for lift serviced.

So I turned my attention towards Jay.


Halloween Patch Skiing at Sunday River

Birthday turns when said birth date is in October always comes as a pleasant treat. The trick involved with Birthday turns at Sunday River today was navigating the patches on Lower Sunday Punch. At times it was questionable whether today offered more tricks or treats? But the smile on my face while making turns down Upper Sunday Punch gave credence to the treat side of the saying.


First Turns of the Season at Sunday River

View from the Mid-Station of the Locke Mountain Triple at Sunday River

Sunday River was the first ski area east of the Mississippi to open for the season two day ago. That certainly got my attention. Sunday River has opened for Halloween these past two years but it was a surprise to see the resort pulling out all the stops during an extremely below average temperature month of October. Having to work on Saturday and having other commitments on Sunday, I arranged to leave work early on Friday to get my first turns of the season.

My excitement for first turns of the season had my mind out of sorts as I missed the Barker Lodge turn off and ended up at the main lodge unloading my gear. After a quick reality check, I was soon at an empty Barker Lodge getting my $25.00 lift ticket and buckling into my new boots. First day of the season is no way to break in new boots, but no pain no gain as they say!

Uploading on the Locke Triple was sensational with great colors still lingering despite being past peak. The transition from just colors to colors with snow was sensational and vibrant. Views were sensational from the top of Locke Mountain with a relatively clear day and views to the Presidentials off the backside. T2 was the only open run with downloading on the Locke Triple Chair as Sunday Punch was not yet ready for top to bottom traffic.
